Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Just wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! My prayer for you is that through all of the 'hustle and bustle' of this season that you would never forget to remember the TRUE reason we celebrate this wonderful holiday! So, enjoy your family, your friends, the food and the gifts, but be sure to remember that JESUS is the Reason for the Season!
This is My Heart... for Him!!
Merry CHRISTmas!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

So Blessed

Happy slightly belated Thanksgiving to you all!!
I hope you had a fantastic holiday and that you were truly able to enjoy your family and friends, as well as the blessings God so graciously pours out over us as His children. As many of you know I was able to fly back home to be with my family for this holiday. I will be staying through Christmas and be returning on 31st of December. Although I am so excited to be with my family and friends during this season, I am already missing my girls so much and will be ready to be with them once again when the time roles around.
There are so many things I have to be thankful for, not just during this Thanksgiving time, but everyday of my life. God has done so many things for me through this past year and has truly shown me His glory on levels I never before imagined. I have the blessing of seeing 118 beautiful Haitian children everyday I am in Haiti and I praise Him for bringing them out of a life of fear and lonliness and into a life of love, joy, and family. I have watched over time, as children who came to us severly malnurished, have been nourished to health. I have watched a finger literally regrow over a period of about two months, and I have seen "God-sized" prayer requests be answered right before my eyes. I am truly blessed. There are not words to describe my gratitude to my savior and my prayer for all of you as we continue through this season is to really look at your life and give God the glory, honor, and praise for all He has done in your life.

There are a few things I would appreciate if you would keep in your prayers:

- Keith and Hanna (resident missionaries in Haiti) along with some of our kids: Andy, Francisco, and TiRose currently have malaria and would greatly appreciate your prayers for a speedy recovery.
- Finances: Both for myself and for the mission in general. We are currently needing another generator. The one we currently have is not big enough to power all of our homes. We are still in the process of building our new Creche home but due to the generator situation and other immediate expenses that had to be met, the construction has taken a major slowdown.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support as I continue to follow God in this amazing journey. May you all enjoy this Christmas season and take the time to remember the REAL meaning for this holiday! God bless you all!
This is my heart... for Him!
Audrey <3

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mulitple Blessings and Growing Pains!!

Hello Everyone!!
Well, summer has officially come to a close here in Haiti as school officially started on September 7th for our children. The kids had a great summer, enjoying being out of school, extra play-time, VBS, and having a lot of groups who came in for awhile just to love on them.
The new creche house is well underway and the kids will be moving in in November. Along with the new creche home will be In the Father’s arms Girl’s Home which is where I will be living and taking care of the 20 beautiful girls who are not in the process of an adoption. The home that Keith and Cindy are living in now will be come our home in November and Keith and Cindy will be living in an “apartment” in the upstairs portion of the Creche. I am so excited about this! As you all know, these girls are who I am called to serve and I can’t wait to finally be living with them. These girls, however, along with the rest of our children are in need of sponsors. We are currently revamping our child sponsorship program and would like to see each of our children have 4 sponsors each at $50 a month for a total of $200 a month for that child. This is about how much it takes to feed, clothe, and school each child over the span of a month; not to mention anything extra or if one of them were to need medical care. If you already sponsor one of our children at the former $30 a month or a school child at $25 a month you will keep that child as well as the former amount if you wish. If this is something you are interested in or have more questions about, please feel free to contact me. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support as I continue to follow God in His plan for my life!
This is my heart… for Him!!
God bless,

Some verses that have been on my heart:

* “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.”
Psalm 86:9-10

* “But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’”

Luke 18:16

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hello Everyone!! Well I have been back in Haiti for about a week and a half and it has everything but boring!! It has been so great to once again be with my 28 girls and the rest of my mission family. Although school is out now, we have still had a lot going n. We have had two groups in over the last two weeks and both worked very hard while they were here and were a huge blessing to the mission. Along with loving on and playing with our children, one group helped out hugely by bringing new colors into our boys home. They painted a couple bedrooms at our boys home along with some railings and windows. It looks great!! The second of the 2 groups was a dental team. Over the time that they were here, they saw over 140 patients and pulled over 60 teeth. It was awesome to have both teams here ready and willing to serve. Within this next week we have two sets of parents coming as well as a group from my home church. It will be great to see some familiar faces from home here in Haiti.

As far as prayer requests go, we could really use your help in praying for funds to come in for the building of our new Creche and Girls home. The land for the home is ours now but it needs to be paid off and we need to have the home finished and our kids moved in by the time our lease is up in the old home in August.

Thank you all for your prayers and as always...

This is my heart, for Him!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Time Stateside

Wow it has been way to long since I have sent out an update... I apologize!! I guess that means I have a lot to say so I'll get started with it. As many of you know I have been stateside since the 23rd of April visiting family and friends, and trying to get some support raised for myself and for the mission. I would like to thank you all for the support that you have been to me throughout my time so far in Haiti. Through prayer and finances, you all have been a blessing! Along with the prayer and support that you have so graciously provided I have also appreciated the emails and the support that you have given my family through this time. This has been a great adjustment for all of us so once again I thank you.
As much as I have enjoyed my time home, I will also be excited to return to Haiti (my second home). I will be returning June 10th and am so excited to once again see my 28 beautiful girls! I know that they will all have grown and changed and I can't wait to see what God has done in each of their lives since I have been gone.
Please continue to pray for my family (the American one and the Haitian one), both are in constant need of it. Some special requests include the construction and fundraising for the new Creche as well as In the Father's Arms Girls Home. We are about halfway to the amount of money it will take to purchase the land. If you feel like this is something God is calling you to help with, please feel free to contact me.
Once again thank you all for your prayers...
This is my heart... for Him...
God bless!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayer Request

Hello Everyone!
I wanted to let you know that I will be posting another update soon but for now I have a prayer request that I would ask that you all help me out with. Hanna Cherry (a.k.a "Aunt Hanna") has been very ill for over a month. She just got back from States a couple weeks ago where she had been visiting family and friends, speaking at churches for the mission, and even spending time in a hospital trying to get better. We found out today that she has to return to the States immediately for medical care. Please be praying for her as she will once again be leaving her husband five children and all her boys at the mission. Please pray that she has safe travels and that she recovers quickly so she can come back home. Thank you all! Even through this sickness and with so many other things going on here in Haiti we know that all is still... In the Father's Hands!
God Bless...